Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PHARM CHEM)
PHARM CHEM 152 Drug Discovery & Design (3 Units)
Instructor(s): Michelle Arkin
Instructor(s): Michelle Arkin
Prerequisite(s): Passing Chemistry 113.
Restrictions: None.
Activities: Lecture
Introduce the process and challenges in discovery of new therapeutics. Topics may include the causes of failure, target selection, methods of compound identification and optimization, intellectual property, and drug development. Class will include lectures, student-led discussion, and in-class workshops/homework. The final class will include student presentations. By the end of the course, students will understand the complex processes leading to the development of novel therapeutics.
View full course details:
- School: Pharmacy
- Department: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
- Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No
- Course Grading Convention: Letter Grade, P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
- Graduate Division course: No
- Is this a web-based online course? No
- Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
- May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? No
- Repeat course for credit? No
PHARM CHEM 157 Bioanalytical Theory & Technique (2 Units)
Instructor(s): Stephen Kahl
Instructor(s): Stephen Kahl
Prerequisite(s): Spring quarter of third year School of Pharmacy standing or membership in approved graduate program or consent of instructor.
Restrictions: none
Activities: Lecture
Course covers the theoretical basis, experimental approach and practical aspects of the detection and quantification of drugs and their metabolites in biological samples. Topics include solubility groups, liquid-liquid extractions and sample preparation, spectrophotometric techniques, mass spectrometry, chromatographic theory and techniques, competitive protein binding assays, protein separation, and DNA analysis and sequencing techniques.
View full course details:
- School: Pharmacy
- Department: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- May the student choose the instructor for this course? No
- Does enrollment in this course require instructor approval? No
- Course Grading Convention: Letter Grade, P/NP (Pass/Not Pass) or S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
- Graduate Division course: No
- Is this a web-based online course? No
- Is this an Interprofessional Education (IPE) course? No
- May students in the Graduate Division (i.e. pursuing Master or PhD) enroll in this course? Yes
- Repeat course for credit? No